Bob Dylan: Rough and Rowdy Ways Tour
Bob Dylan: Rough and Rowdy Ways Tour
This show will be a phone-free experience provided by YONDR. Use of cell phones, smart watches, cameras and recording devices will not be permitted in the performance space, upon arrival at the venue, all devices will be secured in YONDR pouches that will be opened at the end of the event.
Bob Dylan’s career has lasted the better part of fifty years now. He has never gotten by on sentimentality or nostalgia. He has never repeated his successes. Dylan has always pushed his work ahead.
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Phone-Free Experience
This event will be a phone-free experience. Use of phones will not be permitted in the performance space.
Upon arrival at the venue, phones will be secured in individual Yondr pouches that will be opened at the end of the event. Guests maintain possession of their devices at all times, and can access them throughout the event only in designated Phone Use Areas within the venue. All devices will be re-secured in Yondr pouches before returning to the performance space.
All pouches and equipment are routinely sanitized. The Yondr staff is trained and required to follow safety guidelines and hygiene protocols to practice social distancing, minimal contact and wear required personal protective equipment.
Anyone seen using a device during the performance will be escorted out of the venue by security. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a phone-free experience.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I maintain possession of my phone at all times?
A: Yes.
Q: Will the case affect my phone in any way?
A: No.
Q: My ticket is on my phone. What do I do?
A: Printed tickets are preferred for entry, but Yondr staff will be standing by to unlock your phone so you can access your mobile ticket in order to enter the venue.
Q: I have a babysitter at home OR I am on-call for work — Where can I check my phone?
A: Set your phone to vibrate as you enter the venue. You’ll be able to feel your phone vibrate through the Yondr case when you receive calls or texts. You may use your phone throughout the night at designated Phone Use Areas in the lobby of the venue.
Q: What is a Phone Use Area?
A: Guests are able to use their phones at designated Phone Use Areas in the venue. All phones must be secured in a Yondr case before guests re-enter the performance space.
Q: How do I unlock my phone after the show?
A: Yondr staff will be stationed at all exits to unlock your phone at the end of the show.
Q: Does it take long to unlock the cases and leave the venue?
A: No. Yondr staff are located at each exit to unlock cases. We find that leaving is consistently faster at a phone-free show.
Q: I didn’t know about the phone policy. What if I don’t want to do this?
A: This is the show policy, and as a result we cannot allow entry to any guests with cell phones or smart devices if they are not secured in a Yondr case.
Q: What happens if there is an emergency in the venue and I can’t access my phone?
A: All venue staff and security have cell phones and radios. Should an emergency occur, they are trained to implement and execute safety and emergency procedures. Guests should follow all venue instructions and evacuate immediately in the case of an emergency. Yondr Venue Staff will have hand-held unlocking devices outside at a safe distance from the venue.