Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™ in Concert
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™ in Concert
Audiences will be able to relive the magical adventure of Harry Potter’s second year at school like never before. This concert features Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™ in high-definition while the Richmond Symphony performs John Williams’ otherworldly score. Experience the wonder of talking spiders, scolding letters, and giant snakes all over again!
HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. J.K. ROWLING`S WIZARDING WORLD™ J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s18)
Ticket Information
Tickets are available at the Altria Theater box office, by phone at (800) 514-3849 and online at etix.com. Ticket prices subject to change and subject to applicable fees.
Group Sales
Save 10% on tickets when purchasing 10 or more through our Group Sales Office. Call 804-592-3401 or email us at groupsales@smgrichmond.com.